Interface IFullAddressInfo

Represents an address with its public and secret keys.


  • publicKey of type string represents the public key of the address.
  • secretKey of type string represents the secret key of the address.
interface IFullAddressInfo {
    address: string;
    candidate_balance: string;
    candidate_datastore_keys: number[][];
    candidate_roll_count: number;
    created_blocks: string[];
    created_endorsements: string[];
    created_operations: string[];
    cycle_infos: ICycleInfos[];
    deferred_credits: IDeferredCredits[];
    final_balance: string;
    final_datastore_keys: number[][];
    final_roll_count: number;
    next_block_draws: ISlot[];
    next_endorsement_draws: IEndorsementDraws[];
    publicKey: string;
    secretKey: string;
    thread: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


address: string
candidate_balance: string
candidate_datastore_keys: number[][]
candidate_roll_count: number
created_blocks: string[]
created_endorsements: string[]
created_operations: string[]
cycle_infos: ICycleInfos[]
deferred_credits: IDeferredCredits[]
final_balance: string
final_datastore_keys: number[][]
final_roll_count: number
next_block_draws: ISlot[]
next_endorsement_draws: IEndorsementDraws[]
publicKey: string
secretKey: string
thread: number

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