Class Args

Storage and serialization class for remote function call arguments.


This class can serialize typescript native types into bytes, in order to make smart-contract function call easier. It also can deserialize bytes.


  • Constructor to either serialize or deserialize data passed from/to DApps and remote Smart contracts.


    • Optional serialized: number[] | Uint8Array

      The optional serialized arguments to deserialize.

    • Optional offset: number

      The optional offset to start deserializing from.

    Returns Args


argsList: any
getNextData: any

Returns the data of requested size for current offset

Param: size

The data size


the slice of the serialized internal buffer

offset: any
serialized: any


  • Adds an array of objects to the serialized arguments.


    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.


    If the type of the values of the array is not native type, this will serialize the pointers, which is certainly not what you want! You can only serialize properly array of native types or array of Serializable object.



  • Adds a boolean to the serialized arguments.


    • value: boolean

      the boolean to add.

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Adds a floating number to the serialized arguments.


    • value: number

      the number to add.

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Adds a long floating number to the serialized arguments.


    • value: number

      the number to add.

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Adds a signed long integer to the serialized arguments.


    • bigInt: bigint

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Adds a signed integer to the serialized arguments.


    • value: number

      the number to add.

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Adds a signed long integer to the serialized arguments.


    • bigInt: bigint

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Adds a serializable object to the serialized arguments.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.


    The object must implement the ISerializable interface



  • Adds an array of serializable objects to the serialized arguments.

    Type Parameters


    • arg: T[]

      the argument to add

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.


    Each object must implement the ISerializable interface. This will perform a deep copy of your objects thanks to the ISerializable.serialize method you define in your class.



  • Adds a string to the serialized arguments.


    • value: string

      the number to add.

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.


    Works only if the argument is an instance of a handled type (String of 4294967295 characters maximum)

  • Adds an unsigned long integer to the serialized arguments.


    • bigInt: bigint

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Adds an unsigned long integer to the serialized arguments.


    • bigInt: bigint

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Adds an unsigned integer to the serialized arguments.


    • value: number

      the number to add.

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Adds an unsigned long integer to the serialized arguments.


    • bigInt: bigint

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Adds a unsigned byte to the serialized arguments.


    • value: number

      the number to add.

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Adds a byte array integer to the serialized arguments.


    • array: Uint8Array

      the array to add.

    Returns this

    the serialized arguments to be able to chain add method calls.

  • Returns IParam[]

  • Returns the current deserialization offset of the serialized byte array.

    Returns number

    the current offset

  • Returns the next array of ArgTypes objects in the serialized byte array

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • type: ArrayTypes

      the type of the elements in the array.

    Returns T[]

    the next array of object that are native type


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next boolean in the serialized byte array.

    Returns boolean

    the deserialized boolean.


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next floating number in the serialized byte array.

    Returns number

    the deserialized number.


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next long floating number in the serialized byte array.

    Returns number

    the deserialized number.


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next int128 in the serialized byte array.

    Returns bigint

    the deserialized number.


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next signed integer in the serialized byte array.

    Returns number

    the deserialized number.


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next signed long integer in the serialized byte array.

    Returns bigint

    the deserialized number.


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next ISerializable object in the serialized byte array

    Type Parameters


    • ctor: (new () => T)

      the class constructor prototype T.prototype

        • new (): T
        • Returns T

    Returns T

    the deserialized object T


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next array of ISerializable objects in the serialized byte array

    Type Parameters


    • ctor: (new () => T)

      the class constructor prototype T.prototype

        • new (): T
        • Returns T

    Returns T[]

    the deserialized array of object that implement ISerializable


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next string in the serialized byte array.

    Returns string

    the deserialized string


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next uint128 in the serialized byte array.

    Returns bigint

    the deserialized number.


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next uint256 in the serialized byte array.

    Returns bigint

    the deserialized number.


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next unsigned integer in the serialized byte array.

    Returns number

    the deserialized number


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next long integer in the serialized byte array.

    Returns bigint

    the deserialized number.


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next unsigned byte in the serialized byte array.

    Returns bigint

    the deserialized number.


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the next sub byte array in the serialized byte array.

    Returns Uint8Array

    the deserialized byte array.


    Increments to offset to point the data after the one that as been deserialized in the byte array.

  • Returns the serialized byte array.

    Returns number[]

    A byte array.

  • Internal function to concat to Uint8Array.


    • a: Uint8Array

      first array to concat

    • b: Uint8Array

      second array to concat

    Returns Uint8Array

    the concatenated array

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