Interface IContractData

Represents the information related to a smart contract.


This interface is used to track the smart contract information, including the storage fee, maximum gas (that the execution of the contract is allowed to cost), contract data (as text or bytecode), contract address, and an optional datastore for the smart contract's operational storage data.


  • fee of type bigint represents the storage fee for the smart contract.
  • maxGas of type bigint represents the maximum gas that can be consumed by the smart contract.
  • maxCoins of type bigint represents maximum amount of coins allowed to be spent by the execution
  • contractDataText of type string | undefined represents the contract's data as string (optional).
  • contractDataBinary of type Uint8Array | undefined represents the contract's data as bytecode (optional).
  • address of type string | undefined represents the smart contract address (optional) or the MNS domain associated.
  • datastore of type Map<Uint8Array, Uint8Array> | undefined represents the smart contract's operational storage data (optional).
interface IContractData {
    address?: string;
    contractDataBinary?: Uint8Array;
    contractDataText?: string;
    datastore?: Map<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>;
    fee: bigint;
    maxCoins: bigint;
    maxGas: bigint;


address?: string
contractDataBinary?: Uint8Array
contractDataText?: string
datastore?: Map<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>
fee: bigint
maxCoins: bigint
maxGas: bigint

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