Interface IClient

Represents the client object.


This interface is used to set private and public APIs. It also provides methods for setting custom and default providers. The default providers are the global connection URLs for Massa's MAINNET, TESTNET, LABNET, LOCALNET and BUILDNET.


  • privateApi() - A function that returns an instance of the private API client.
  • publicApi() - A function that returns an instance of the public API client.
  • wallet() - A function that returns an instance of the wallet client.
  • smartContracts() - A function that returns an instance of the smart contracts client.
  • mnsResolver() - A function that returns an instance of the MNS resolver.
  • setCustomProviders - A method for setting custom providers.
  • setNewDefaultProvider - A method for setting a new default provider.
  • setNewMnsResolver - A method for setting a new MNS resolver.
interface IClient {
    mnsResolver(): MnsResolver;
    privateApi(): IPrivateApiClient;
    publicApi(): IPublicApiClient;
    setCustomProviders(providers): void;
    setNewDefaultProvider(provider): void;
    setNewMnsResolver(contractAddress): void;
    smartContracts(): ISmartContractsClient;
    wallet(): IWalletClient;

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