Interface ICallData

Represents the information for a smart contract call.


This interface is used to track the calldata information, including the transaction fee, maximum gas, transferred coins, target smart contract address, target function name, and parameters for the function call.


  • fee of type bigint represents the transaction fee.
  • maxGas of type bigint represents the maximum amount of gas that the execution of the contract is allowed to cost.
  • coins of type bigint represents the extra coins in nanoMassa that are spent from the caller's balance and transferred to the target.
  • targetAddress of type string represents the target smart contract address or the MNS domain associated.
  • targetFunction of type string represents the target function name. No function is called if empty.
  • parameter of type Array<number> or an Args represents the parameters to pass to the target function.
interface ICallData {
    coins?: bigint;
    fee: bigint;
    maxGas?: bigint;
    parameter: number[] | Args;
    targetAddress: string;
    targetFunction: string;


coins?: bigint

The coin amount in nanoMassa.

fee: bigint

The fee amount in nanoMassa.

maxGas?: bigint
parameter: number[] | Args
targetAddress: string
targetFunction: string

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